As everyone could have guessed already, Petzen Open 2020 presented by Latitude 64 is not going to happen at May for obvious reasons. When the Petzen team was trying to find a date to postpone the event to, the first weekend in October was the only one available. Even if it is not the perfect date for Euro Tour event and the weather might surprise us with some rather low temperatures (it still should NOT be snowing at that time of a year though and long-time average for Petzen in October is 8°C), when choosing between outright cancellling the event and moving it to October, this was a clear winner.
We are pretty sure, that if the pandemic situation gets under controll over the summer, everyone will be just so hungry for some fancy disc golfing, that weather should not be an issue, really. So, dear disc golfers from all around Europe, mark your callendars as this is still going to be a top notch event that you do not want to miss.
Stay home, stay safe, help to flatten the curve, so we can jump right back later this year and enjoy (not only) some beautifull Alps views together at Petzen!